Geoff Pesche

Geoff Pesche

  • David Bowie
  • Deadmau5
  • Leftfield
  • Florence + the Machine


Geoff Pesche is a British mastering engineer currently based at Abbey Road Studios in London, U.K.

After leaving high school, Geoff took up a job as a mo­tor­bike messenger at Tape One Studios, shuf­fling tapes through the buzzing cul­tural cap­i­tal of Cam­den. His role grew from de­liv­er­ing tapes to copy­ing them inside the stu­dio’s cutting room, and over the course of three years, Tape One’s mas­ter­ing en­gi­neer taught Pesche the all about the process.

Geoff soon built a name for him­self, cut­ting the vinyl lac­quers for some of history’s most iconic records, such as the 12-inch of New Or­der’s ‘Blue Mon­day’ and the plat­inum-sell­ing al­bum ‘Brothers In Arms’ by Dire Straits.

He went on to work for some of England’s most renowned stu­dios, among them being Utopia, Mas­ter­piece, and Town­house. He mas­ter­ed a string of hits that in­cludes ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’ by Kylie Monogue, which reached number one in forty countries worldwide. He joined Abbey Road Studios in 2006.

To date, Geoff Pesche has mastered records by a slew of chart-topping acts including Enya, William Orbit, Leftfield, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Pulp, LCD Soundsystem, Bryan Ferry, Florence + the Machine, Rita Ora, David Bowie, Lily Allen, Nina Nesbitt, Tina Turner, M.I.A., Rudimental, Blur, Deadmau5, and Pixie Lott.

Geoff Pesche