Take the next step

in your musical journey


  • Videos

    Explore the world’s largest library of premium music production documentaries

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    Master your craft with the Expert membership.

  • Community

    Exchange feedback, participate in weekly Q&As and connect with your peers

  • Events

    Get into the studio with award-winning producers and engineers.


    David Wrench

    Four-Day Masterclass in Paris

    See event details


    Leslie Brathwaite

    Masterclass in Paris

    See event details

  • Toolbox and Deals

    Discover over $2,200 worth of free plugins. Unique activation codes are available in this section

    Worth $169
    Worth $149
    Worth $149
    Worth $199

Frequently asked questions

MWTM Online Membership

It is a community, platform, and service offering a premium level of education in the art and science of making records! The MWTM team has joined forces with some of the world’s most highly-regarded engineers, producers, and artists to share their knowledge and impart their skills through in-depth tutorial videos and exclusive events. Our award-winning roster of highly successful music industry personnel share their favorite techniques for tracking, production, beat-making, song writing, mixing, and mastering. They convey this priceless information through seminars, webinars, and the extensive catalogue of MWTM video series.

MWTM Events

The MWTM teams offers a variety of educational events hosted around the globe.

Our flagship events are week-long seminars that take place at a luxurious residential recording studio in the South of France called ‘La Fabrique’. These unique experiences have been occurring since MWTM was founded in 2010, and they have reportedly changed the careers of so many who greatly benefited from attending.

More information can be found here

Previously held in cities like Los Angeles, New York, and London, MWTM Masterclasses are now hosted in Paris at the brand new Rue Boyer Studios. These sessions feature hands-on learning with renowned industry professionals. Lunch is provided, but participants must arrange their own transport, accommodation, and other meals.

More information can be found here