15 min
Background, studio, instruments, session overview, vocal tracking, drum programming
19 min
Creating pad textures on guitar, recording and processing live strings, composition workflow
12 min
Sound design, snare treatment, vocal effects, level automation, artist relations.
It's You
Song : It's You
Duration:00 min / 47 min Subtitles: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Join producer Malay at Larrabee Studios to explore the production of ‘It’s You’ by Zayn! In this three-part series, the renowned musician and producer introduces himself with an overview of his professional background and a walkthrough of his current studio setup. He recounts the unusual journey of recording the song’s vocals and his collaboration with the artist, songwriter, and mixer. He then dives into the multi-track session to reveal some of his favorite production tips, recording strategies, drum programming techniques, signal chains, automation workflow, and more. He also discusses his methods of maintaining the excitement of a recording project and getting desired results from the artist.
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15 min
Background, studio, instruments, session overview, vocal tracking, drum programming
19 min
Creating pad textures on guitar, recording and processing live strings, composition workflow
12 min
Sound design, snare treatment, vocal effects, level automation, artist relations.