17 min
Series overview, collaborating with the movie’s director and songwriters, storyline, aesthetic, ITB stem workflow.
14 min
Auxiliary track chains – vocals, drums, orchestral, other instruments, width, depth, effects, parallel compression
11 min
Pre-mix & mix buss chains, crafting low end for theatre vs. records, being misled by visuals
18 min
Live drums & percussion, samples, micro vs. macro EQ, parallel compression purpose, mix buss focus
14 min
Mixing Mika’s first record, change in workflow, mastering considerations, vocal treatment, demo tracks
12 min
Analog vocal compression, doubling, effects, samples, brass, guitar, stomps, swells, maintaining objectivity
The Greatest Show
The Greatest Showman
Song : The Greatest Show
Duration:00 min / 1h28 Subtitles: English, Spanish, Portuguese
We’re honoured to bring you a series on the soundtrack of the outstanding contemporary musical ‘The Greatest Showman’! Produced and mixed by the multi-talented Greg Wells, the opening song ‘The Greatest Show’ is a remarkable feat of contemporary songwriting, complex arrangement, and copious amounts of processing. Wells revisits the overwhelming mix session and tells us about his given roles in the project, necessary ITB workflow, obstacles faced, and collaboration with the movie director and songwriters. He then dives into the technicalities of his mix template, comprising multiple auxiliary tracks affecting groups with full and parallel processing, inspired by the workflow of mixers Michael Brauer and Andrew Scheps. Opening up every insert, Wells demonstrates the function of his chosen plug-ins and explains their purpose. He also elaborates on methods of maintaining objectivity, being undistracted by DAW visuals, approaching movie soundtracks differently to records, and more.
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17 min
Series overview, collaborating with the movie’s director and songwriters, storyline, aesthetic, ITB stem workflow.
14 min
Auxiliary track chains – vocals, drums, orchestral, other instruments, width, depth, effects, parallel compression
11 min
Pre-mix & mix buss chains, crafting low end for theatre vs. records, being misled by visuals
18 min
Live drums & percussion, samples, micro vs. macro EQ, parallel compression purpose, mix buss focus
14 min
Mixing Mika’s first record, change in workflow, mastering considerations, vocal treatment, demo tracks
12 min
Analog vocal compression, doubling, effects, samples, brass, guitar, stomps, swells, maintaining objectivity