
‘Just a Play’ & ‘Act 1: Liberator of Minds’

R-SHIE & Dead Can Dance


Song : ‘Just a Play’ & ‘Act 1: Liberator of Minds’

Duration:11 min / 41 min Subtitles: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Chinese


Early training, signal path, conversion, clocking, hardware units, console, monitoring, bit depth, sample rate

Geoff Pesche

About Geoff Pesche

Geoff Pesche is a British mastering engineer currently based at Abbey Road Studios in London, U.K. After leaving high school, Geoff took up a job as a mo­tor­bike messenger at Tape One Studios, shuf­fling tapes through the buzzing cul­tural cap­i­tal of Cam­den. His role grew from de­liv­er­ing tapes to copy­ing them inside the stu­dio’s cutting room, and over the course of three years, Tape One’s mas­ter­ing en­gi­neer taught Pesche the all about the process. Geoff soon built a name for him­self,...

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