16 min
Background, assistant's roles, mix approach, rough vs. final mix, groove emphasis, monitoring
18 min
Drum & shaker individual & buss treatment, Elastic Audio, bass guitar blend & processing
15 min
Rhythm & lead guitar, synth, imaging, reverse reverb, distortion, delay, EQ, compression
19 min
Vocal chain, compressor choice, effects, double & low octave blend, mix buss activation
Song : Charlemagne
Duration:00 min / 1h09 Subtitles: No subtitles available
We are proud to present our first video release featuring the gifted indie mix engineer David Wrench! This series revisits the acclaimed single 'Charlemagne' by Blossoms, mixed by Wrench entirely in the box. Taking you through the multi-track mix session, the acid house guru demonstrates the production methods and mixing techniques he infused into this record. He plays the rough mix, describes what he felt it was lacking, and reveals every step taken to build his final product. Aside from revealing his signal chains and plug-in settings, David Wrench covers other important subjects including the roles of his assistant, finding strengths and weaknesses in a rough mix, monitoring from different sources, and more.
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16 min
Background, assistant's roles, mix approach, rough vs. final mix, groove emphasis, monitoring
18 min
Drum & shaker individual & buss treatment, Elastic Audio, bass guitar blend & processing
15 min
Rhythm & lead guitar, synth, imaging, reverse reverb, distortion, delay, EQ, compression
19 min
Vocal chain, compressor choice, effects, double & low octave blend, mix buss activation